Level 5 implications to the Practice and Patients
In line with advice to GPs across the country, all General Consultations will be conducted by telephone from Monday 4th January onwards. Any patient with an already scheduled appointment will be contacted regarding this change.
Urgent / acute issues will be assessed by telephone and the decision on whether a face-to-face consultation is appropriate will be based on clinical criteria and with full reference to public health advice and patient and staff safety.
If you are feeling unwell with symptoms of illness, you should contact the practice on (042) 9366398 for advice without delay. If the practice is closed, contact the above number and listen to the message for the Out of Hours telephone number. Please do not ignore new or worsening illness – other medical concerns and illness can still be assessed during this crisis. Please be patient as the telephone is extremely busy with incoming calls.
Screening and immunisation appointments including Cervical Check, Ante-natal visits, Childhood Immunisations and necessary blood tests etc will continue with additional precautions and these and any face-to-face appointments will need to be time-limited as part of increased COVID precautions. We ask for your cooperation and understanding as we implement these measures which are necessary to keep patients and staff safe, and to maintain essential GP services at this time.
If you have flu-like, head-cold or sinus symptoms, and feel that you need a telephone consultation, please telephone the surgery. Do not attend the surgery. Please note that in order for a GP to refer for testing for Covid-19, patients must meet the clinical criteria, as per the HSE Public Health and testing requirements. You can see more information from the HSE about self-isolation at https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/guidance/selfisolationathome/